Historical development of education in Guatemala in the years 1945-1951





Freedom, education, democracy, government, school


The study on the historical development of education in Guatemala during the years 1945-1951 was prepared from the perspective of the government, because the documentary material was at hand. The objective of the work is to make a brief historical analysis of the area of Education in the aforementioned historical period. For its realization, the work was sectioned to be able to perform the analysis. The approach of the problem of the purposes of education: legitimacy, possibility, and conception of man. The economic and social context of the historical period, the ideas of democracy and how they were handled by the actors in this process. By way of conclusions of the work, the problem of the possibility of education is put into practice from the perspective of pedagogical optimism. The school as a materializing instrument of the purposes of the Church or the State. In the Arévalo government, school and life were harmonized. The legitimacy of education considers that adult generations have the right to educate, to the extent that they provide the tools for development and the preeminence that should be given to the spiritual plane over the natural plane. It considers man as a being that comes to life within the community. The principles from which materialization worked, in the area of Education, were the quality of life, the generalization of knowledge, national identity, and openness to scientific and technological progress, because education is the factor that influences and is influenced within the social dynamics and is a legitimate and possible action.

Author Biography

Edwing Roberto García García, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala

Es maestro en Investigación Educativa, profesional de Desarrollo Curricular y profesor de postgrado de cursos de investigación educativa. Ha sido Jefe del Departamento de Investigación y Educación de la División de Desarrollo Académico de la Dirección General de Docencia de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

García García, E. R. (2018). Historical development of education in Guatemala in the years 1945-1951. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 1(1), 33–41. https://doi.org/10.29351/amhe.v1i1.227