History of Education in educational psychologists’ training





Learning, knowledge, culture, past, psychopedagogy


For this paper, a qualitative research was carried out where the statements of a group of students of Psychopedagogy are presented, and for the interpretation of the information obtained, it is approached from the descriptive level, providing ideas related to the importance of the History of Education as a subject in the students’ curriculum. The objective of the study was to find out what the effects of the History of Education on the training of Psychopedagogy students are. History as a body of knowledge related to the past and continuation of the present is an interesting and feasible subject to be taught in Psychopedagogy Majors, since it unites the individual with their origins and assists in educating the subject as a social being that understands their past. For Mexicans, learning the history of the education they have received allows them to understand the causes and consequences of the current state of the education they receive, related to the cultural and social aspects Mexican society has gone through.

Author Biography

José Edier Yamá Uc, Universidad Hispanoamericana Justo Sierra, Campeche, México

Es profesor de Educación Primaria, licenciado en Inglés, maestro en Ciencias de la Educación y doctor en Educación. Ha sido docente de educación Normal, maestría en Educación y Desarrollo Humano en la Universidad Hispanoamericana Justo Sierra y revisor de programas de estudio de licenciatura y diseñador del programa de Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación en el Instituto Educativo Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Ponente en congresos nacionales e internacionales sobre educación y filosofía. Investigador en prácticas educativas, temas filosóficos y sociológicos.


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How to Cite

Yamá Uc, J. E. (2018). History of Education in educational psychologists’ training. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 1(1), 59–67. https://doi.org/10.29351/amhe.v1i1.244