Una escuela telesecundaria en contexto vulnerable: desigualdad social y educativa





Telesecondary school, vulnerable context, inequality


An investigation of the successful practices of secondary education principals in nine states of Mexico (Guanajuato, Nuevo León, Sonora, Chihuahua, San Luis Potosí, Jalisco, Veracruz, Chiapas and Yucatán) showed that the strategies and personality of the principals were essential elements in the educational progress of students and in the social recognition of their institutions, elements that demonstrated the success of the principals. Although the context was an element present in all cases, it was not a component that made the distinction between a successful school and one that is not, or at least, was not recognized in this way by any of the directors of the investigation. As a result of this work, a concern related to the context arose: learning about the possibilities of a successful management of the executives that developed their work in schools that are located in vulnerable contexts or in schools with underperformance. It was assumed that success could have other characteristics because the principals of these institutions surely faced different challenges. Why, for the principals of the first schools, was the context not significant or, if it was, did the characteristics of their successful management make it less visible? The establishment of certain criteria for the selection of schools and principals in the second investigation led us to choose a Telesecondary school. The characteristics of this type of education, from an initial perception, showed disadvantages due to the origins of the students who attended this type of institution, the most important being a differentiated educational progress in relation to that obtained by students of general and technical secondary schools, parallel modalities at the level. The daily life of an institution shows that there are social issues that are above school tasks. They are vulnerable institutions from their origin.

Author Biography

María Guadalupe Escalante Bravo, Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de San Luis Potosí, México

Es Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Profesora-investigadora en la BECENESLP y docente de licenciatura y posgrado. Miembro de la Red de Investigadores Educativos de San Luis Potosí, de la Red Iberoamericana del Patrimonio Histórico Educativo, de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Educación y del cuerpo académico Historia, educación y formación docente de la BECENESLP.


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How to Cite

Escalante Bravo, M. G. (2018). Una escuela telesecundaria en contexto vulnerable: desigualdad social y educativa. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 1(1), 175–184. https://doi.org/10.29351/amhe.v1i1.255