Public education in the municipality of Campo Largo between 1820 and 1890: echoes of an imperial policy




Education, history of education, Campo Largo


This article presents a research carried out on the History of Education in the State of Paraná, in Southern Brazil, with specific focus on the society of Campo Largo between 1820 and 1890. The information collected portrays the efforts to acquire the first teachers for the city of Campo Largo, which has its origin in a small settlement started in 1774, becoming a Parish in 1841, a Villa in 1870, and finally recognized as a City, separated from Curitiba, on November 6th, 1882. The permanence of families from the gold economy, along with the interests of families enriched by the mate herb economy, was a differential in the search for teachers for education in the area. This research was also enriched by the information provided by the work of James Portugal de Macedo, which portrays the memories of Professor Francisco R. de Azevedo Macedo, a great intellectual from Paraná who lived his childhood in Campo Largo. This work describes in detail his student life and his teachers, fundamental evidence that guided the research at different times. It is noticed that the concern of the public administrator with education is manifested in several moments, from the period of Brasil Império until Brasil became a Republic. The new ideas were reflected throughout the Brazilian territory, making that still incipient communities such as Campo Largo sought, within the permitted limits, access to existing forms of education.

Author Biographies

Gerson Luiz Buczenko, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brasil

Es licenciado en Historia, posgrado en Historia Cultural, con maestría y doctorado en Educación por la Universidad Tuiuti del Paraná. Actúa como coordinador de cursos en el Centro Universitario Internacional Uninter.

Maria Arlete Rosa, Universidad Tuiuti del Paraná, Brasil

Es licenciada en Matemáticas y Pedagogía, máster y doctora en Educación. Actualmente actúa como docente del programa de posgrado, maestría y doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Tuiuti del Paraná.


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How to Cite

Buczenko, G. L., & Rosa, M. A. (2018). Public education in the municipality of Campo Largo between 1820 and 1890: echoes of an imperial policy. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 1(1), 185–192.