Science and higher education policies and new conditions for social science scholars in Northeast Mexico




Academic profession, higher education, scientific fields


At the exploratory phase of a broader research project, we analyze the process of transformation triggered by science and higher education policies that imposed a new academic legitimacy pattern in a segment of the Mexican faculty, specifically, in social sciences research-professors in the Northeastern region. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 of these scholars, addressing the way they understand, value, and relate to these policies, as well as their contextual conditions of implementation and their outcomes. When it was feasible, the perception of the interviewees was contrasted with data gathered from the record of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores and with previous related publications. Findings revealed a broadly shared vision among scholars regarding a substantial development of their academic field in the last three decades, largely due to the implemented policies. There is also a widespread perception that this development has reached a phase of stagnation, and most of them argued that it is caused, primarily, by hostility and lack of interest in social sciences in local cultural and institutional contexts. Furthermore, from these results we can draw a relevant preliminary conclusion: since their regional growth was driven mainly by exogenous forces, this faculty subset is poorly articulated with most working dynamics and interests of local higher education institutions.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Sordo Molina, Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey, México

Profesor-investigador en el Centro de Estudios Interculturales del Noreste. Doctor en Estudios Humanísticos por el Tecnológico de Monterrey, con especialidad en Estudios de Ciencia y Cultura. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Dirige actualmente un proyecto de Ciencia Básica Conacyt sobre la participación de investigadores formados en el extranjero en el desarrollo reciente de las ciencias sociales en el noreste de México.


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How to Cite

Sordo Molina, J. C. (2020). Science and higher education policies and new conditions for social science scholars in Northeast Mexico. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 43–53.