Indigenous teachers in the state of Hidalgo: between inequality in initial processes and professional strengthening in self-capacitation




Indigenous school, capacitation and teaching practice


In this text, I will present one of the aspects of analysis that guides the research work that I am carrying out in the Doctorate in Education at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional-Ajusco (UPN Ajusco), on indigenous teachers in the State of Hidalgo, presenting two historical dimensions of their training: the mode and historical-narrative record of their insertion into teaching and the one referring to the trajectory of their teaching practice, which has been a daily practice through which various training processes have been produced to cover their professional training, giving grounds to self-training. Professional self-training presents the “forced” and “voluntary” options; the first is present during the first years within the teaching profession, while the second occurs in the process of the profession.

Author Biography

José Luis Mendoza Ramírez, Secretaría de Educación Pública del Estado de Hidalgo, México

Maestro frente a grupo de educación primaria indígena del subsistema de Educación Indígena de la SEPH; hablante de la lengua indígena hñahñu. Estudiante del doctorado en Educación en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Ajusco de la Cuidad de México.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Ramírez, J. L. (2020). Indigenous teachers in the state of Hidalgo: between inequality in initial processes and professional strengthening in self-capacitation. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 129–137.