A reform that includes facing the school reality that excludes: a story told from the students





Educational exclusion, educational integration, educational reform


This presentation emerges from a larger research titled “College and high school students: Between the formal inclusion and the real exclusion”. In this research the process that includes or excludes students has been based on five young people chosen from the school context in high school and university level. The aim of this presentation is to use oral history interviews as a primary source to show how two students with disability lived their inclusion in an ordinary classroom in order to understand why the implementation of reforms of educational inclusion does not always reach its aims. This work was focused on the inclusive education reforms proposed since 1993 and the process that happened within the school in the classroom as a context. Additionally, this research analyzes how the implementation of these reforms is more complex, and it is not so suitable as was suggested in its official basis due to the fact that the reforms are blocked by numerous causes. This presentation was also focused on demonstrating the human factor, showing the two young people with disabilities’ real experiences that have happened in an ordinary classroom setting, relating their life stories in order to explain their experiences, thoughts and feelings in the school context. Finally, this research concludes that the social inclusion for these young people is not always successful, especially related with the personal and social development that they expected. The research is addressed from the social history theoretical perspective within a current approach, as well as the oral history methodological tool assistance, that, through the dialog, allows recovering the ordinary people life’s stories. The experience of the life of the informant’s analysis is the object of interest within this presentation.

Author Biography

Adriana Marisol Argueta Velazquez, Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México, México

Candidata al grado de maestra en Investigación de la Educación por el ISCEEM. Es licenciada en Ingeniería Industrial por el Instituto Tecnológico de Tlalnepantla (ITTLA). Ha cursado diversos talleres de capacitación como el XXIX Taller de Metodología y Práctica de la Historia Oral en el Instituto de Investigaciones “Dr. José María Luis Mora” y el taller de Neuroeducación para maestros por el Instituto Nacional de Neuroeducación AC, en Querétaro.


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How to Cite

Argueta Velazquez, A. M. (2020). A reform that includes facing the school reality that excludes: a story told from the students. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 219–227. https://doi.org/10.29351/amhe.v2i1.319