Application of a methodology for teaching history at the higher level




Research, pedagogy, critical thinking


This research presents a qualitative work with exploratory level results through a design based on the phenomenological paradigm in order to explore the experiences lived by higher-level students as subjects in the academic world who relate their stories after receiving a general history course on social learning, having education as a framework of discipline. The teaching of history commonly reveals a learning problem for many students and at the higher level it shows traits of inactivity or disinterest towards the contents, which makes it necessary to provide a practical methodology that contributes to solving the problem. The objective of the study is to propose a methodology for the teaching of history at the higher level that serves as a guide for the teacher involved with this subject so that didactics is a way to get to the historical knowledge of phenomena and learning is interesting. The study subjects were undergraduate students in Psychopedagogy from a privately funded higher education institution. Some of the results found are that the teacher must have critical thinking to teach the subject of history, use a method related to collaborative work, developed through techniques such as research, and carry out feedback activities. These results are the product of a series of interviews carried out with the students in order to have information that contributed to the construction of knowledge.

Author Biography

José Edier Yamá Uc, Universidad Hispanoamericana Justo Sierra, Campeche, México

Es profesor de educación primaria, licenciado en Inglés, maestro en Ciencias de la Educación y doctor en Educación. Se ha desempeñado como profesor y director de escuela secundaria, docente de educación Normal y catedrático de la maestría en Educación y Desarrollo Humano en la Universidad Hispanoamericana Justo Sierra de Campeche. Ha sido revisor de programas de estudio de licenciatura y diseñador del programa de maestría en Ciencias de la Educación en el Instituto Educativo Felipe Carrillo Puerto.


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How to Cite

Yamá Uc, J. E. (2021). Application of a methodology for teaching history at the higher level. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(2), 111–120.