The educational project of José Vasconcelos. The first attempts to articulate the affective with the cognitive




cognition, emotions, educational policy


This article gives an account of the educational project of José Vasconcelos at the head of the SEP (Secretary of Public Education) during the government of Álvaro Obregón, as one of the first attempts in educational policy to link affective and cognitive aspects in the teaching-learning processes, in addition to setting the bases to incorporate the socio-emotional dimension both in primary education study plans and programs and in the subsequent issuance of free textbooks. This analysis exercise was possible thanks to exploring the approach of the history of the present and reversing, in Chesneaux’s way, the past-present dynamic that has led to a stagnant history, a boring version of history, for a present-past one that puts highlights the reflection from everyday life. That is, it is based on two facts: on the one hand, the educational reform undertaken by the current federal administration 2018-2024, whose intention is expressed in Article 3 of the Constitution by stating that education “will be comprehensive, will educate for life, with the purpose of developing in people cognitive, socio-emotional and physical capacities that allow them to achieve their well-being”; on the other hand, the effects of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, that forced us to review the way in which socio-emotional education has been developed in the official norms and in the regulations of the different educational institutions. Therefore, it becomes clear that the current educational policy amalgamates some components of the different educational projects, as is the case of the Vasconcelista project, by making very clear the responsibility that the State has to deliver education in its broad sense of cultural and artistic content to all corners of the country and to all sectors of society. Will we teachers be up to the task of provoking emotion and generating enthusiasm?

Author Biography

Carpóforo Emilio Martínez Vences, Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México, División Académica Tejupilco, México

Es Doctor en Pedagogía por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Está adscrito a la línea de investigación de política y administración de la educación del campo de conocimiento de política, sistema y gestión educativa en los programas de posgrado. Sus trabajos de investigación giran en torno a temáticas como política educativa, reformas educativas, políticas compensatorias, rezago educativo e identidad docente.


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How to Cite

Martínez Vences, C. E. (2023). The educational project of José Vasconcelos. The first attempts to articulate the affective with the cognitive. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 3(2), 81–88.