The school and its emotions in the memory of Jesús Solís de la Torre (1947-1958)




Education, emotions, memory, school culture, Jesús Solís de la Torre


The school is a space where not only knowledge is learned, but also where subjectivities are shared and emotions are built in a complex interaction process that is part of what has been called school culture (Escolano, 2022). There, knowledge, practices, disciplinary devices, moral codes, desires and aspirations, materials and spaces come into play that, in action, produce, reproduce, legitimize or sanction behaviors and affections, which serve to guide social action. Assuming the above, in this work we ask ourselves what kind of emotions did the school produce in the student through its spaces, teachers, books, materials, etc.? How are those emotions from the past remembered and told in the present? To answer the above, we intend to recover the memory of J. Jesús Solís de la Torre, who was a student in the forties and fifties of the last century. Through an in-depth interview, we investigate his past to recover a part (childhood) and an aspect (school). From what he remembers and means, we identify the emotions, both positive and negative, to try to account for the role they played in his formation as a person.

Author Biography

Oliva Solís Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México

Es Licenciada y Maestra en Filosofía por la UAQ, Maestra en Estudios Humanísticos con especialidad en Historia por el Tec de Monterrey, Doctora en Administración por la UAQ y Posdoctora en Género por la UCES de Argentina. Perfil deseable Prodep y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel I. Sus líneas de investigación giran en torno a la historia de las mujeres con perspectiva de género, historia de la prensa, historia de la vida cotidiana e historia regional de Querétaro.


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How to Cite

Solís Hernández, O. (2023). The school and its emotions in the memory of Jesús Solís de la Torre (1947-1958). Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 3(2), 177–185.