Language of the state and the history of education: Two deflections in devising free textbooks and fundamental education as objects of study




Fundamental education, language of the state, free textbooks, methodology, object of study


This paper explores the consequences of critically examining the conventional notion of state in the history of education, specifically at the methodological level when defining our object of study. This critique destabilizes the state as a coherent and unified entity, evidencing that said image is partially a result of a language that constitutes it as such. This work proposes a contrasting exercise in conceiving an object of study depending on whether the research is influenced by such language of state. The counterpoint is illustrated through vignettes from two Master degree’s theses: one addressing the case of free textbooks from the first generation as citizenship formation devices, and the other dealing with the formulation of fundamental education under the auspices of an international organization during the postwar years. Through this examination, we assess some alternatives in the conception of both the processes conveyed and the multiplicity of their protagonists, thus diversifying the quality of the questions that could guide the research. Therefore, a point is made to consider the methodological effects that the language of the state can have on the historicization of education.

Author Biographies

Alina Margarita Horta Méndez, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México

Es Antropóloga Social por la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán y Maestra en Ciencias en la especialidad de Investigaciones Educativas por el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Sus temas de investigación han abordado el desarrollismo desde una perspectiva histórica, antropológica y transnacional, enfatizando el rol desempeñado por organizaciones internacionales en proyectos implementados en América Latina.

Yasser Viliulfo Martínez Tapia, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Ciudad de México

Es Licenciado en Filosofía y Maestro en Ciencias en la especialidad de Investigaciones Educativas. Actualmente desarrolla una investigación doctoral en relación con la educación higiénica en México en las primeras décadas del siglo xx.


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How to Cite

Horta Méndez, A. M., & Martínez Tapia, Y. V. (2024). Language of the state and the history of education: Two deflections in devising free textbooks and fundamental education as objects of study. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 4(1), 19–27.