The association of teachers with political life. The case of the Southern region of the State of Mexico




Teaching, identity, interactions


The article gives an account of how teachers from the southern region of the State of Mexico faced with the offer presented by the teaching profession, open up other possibilities that allow them to enter the political scene of their communities and municipalities. That is, a single and homogeneous dimension of the teaching profession is not presented and what occurs is a series of appropriations and negotiations, active or passive resistances, selective uses, conflicts and daily practices that alter the educational policy of rooting the teacher in their profession and giving it multiple meanings. Therefore, the theoretical-methodological line starts from the understanding that education is a socially and historically shaped phenomenon, which can essentially be explained in the social context in which it occurs. Starting from this theoretical position, one of the constitutive dimensions of school reality is analyzed: the political life of teachers. The research brought forth the discovery that teachers are affected by social, political, economic, religious interests, which shape and condition their professional career. Asking oneself about these situations and their effects forces us to consider the teacher’s work as an open and dynamic field, where sociocultural conditions converge but also expectations and desires to empower themselves as subjects. Teachers recognize that the link with the field of politics is largely due to their work carried out within the teaching profession. This closeness to the needs and shortcomings of the communities in the development of their profession are based on their human condition, and it allows them to take root and acquire a strong commitment that ranges from service management activities to the exercise of their role as doctor, priest, concierge, conciliator, contributing to social recognition to build a professional identity characterized by the spirit of service, commitment, and responsibility.

Author Biography

Carpóforo Emilio Martínez Vences, Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México, División Académica de Tejupilco, México

Está adscrito a la línea de investigación de Política y Administración de la Educación del campo de conocimiento de Política, Sistema y Gestión Educativa en los programas de posgrado (maestría en Investigación de la Educación y doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación). Sus trabajos de investigación giran en torno a temáticas como: política educativa, reformas educativas, políticas compensatorias, rezago educativo e identidad docente.


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How to Cite

Martínez Vences, C. E. (2020). The association of teachers with political life. The case of the Southern region of the State of Mexico. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 95–104.