Survival and crisis of the Instituto de Ciencias de Zacatecas (1884-1920)




Higher education, Porfiriato, Zacatecas


The present work was prepared based on the analysis and hermeneutics of primary and secondary sources. Higher education had different stages and evolutions in Mexico, with historical background from the culture of the Colonial era; never without problems, modern “university life” was established in the most important cities. During the period known as Porfiriato, elementary and higher education were outlined in Positivism, social doctrine and support of the political regime, with officials called “Scientists” taking part in public instruction. In the states, each governor, aligned with the federal authority, faced different problems in educational matters. It was about literacy for a large population that lacked the most basic education; and higher education was also managed, from secondary and preparatory to professional level. The role of the Institute of Sciences (Instituto de Ciencias) on the training of teachers for elementary education in some stages of its operation is well known. The hypothesis of the present work: In Zacatecas, the incursion of many governors, the precarious economy of the majority of the population, the armed struggle that began in 1910, the crisis of values, the few opportunities for educational and social advancement, and even the disinterest of youth, combined to characterize a time of academic crisis at the Scientific Institute (Instituto Científico), the highest house of studies in the entity. The situation was not exclusive to this campus; internal conflicts and problems characterized the vast majority of these schools across the country. It is concluded that the economic and political situation in the state of Zacatecas, the styles in the exercise of power and the ideas and philosophical conceptions of the governors were reflected in the academic life and in the Institute’s problems.

Author Biography

José Arturo Burciaga Campos, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México

Doctor en Geografía e Historia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Docente investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Miembro del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano y de la Sociedad Boliviana de Historia del Derecho. XIII Premio Nacional de Historia Regional “Atanasio G. Saravia” (2010) y Premio Nacional de Investigación Histórica (2014). Perfil Prodep y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel 2.


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How to Cite

Burciaga Campos, J. A. (2020). Survival and crisis of the Instituto de Ciencias de Zacatecas (1884-1920). Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 119–128.

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