Enseñar a leer y escribir a los adultos. La Campaña contra el Analfabetismo: proyecto, planes y prácticas, 1921-1924





Adult instruction, education, educational campaigns, illiteracy, literacy


This article describes the program, its objectives and implementation, the instructional practices of adult’s instruction, as well as the “Children’s Army” and the honorary teachers of the Campaign against Illiteracy (Campaña contra el Analfabetismo) of the Ministry of Public Education from 1921 to 1924. This campaign has been mentioned in several texts, but very few works have studied it, so it is necessary to reconstruct it and analyze it. This paper answers three questions: What were the objectives and goals of the project? How was the campaign implemented? What results were obtained? To respond these questions, I used “literacy” as a historical analytical category that has been changing over time, and how it was defined by the educational authorities. In the same way, the results of the campaign will be explained with the concept of the “literacy process” that establishes three elements of analysis: initial, transition and universal literacy. With these elements it is shown that this teaching plan for adults, being of short duration, could not offer the results expected by the Ministry. The sources used were bulletins and memories from the Ministry of Public Education (Secretaría de Educación Pública), as well as specialized bibliography on the subject. Unfortunately, the current sanitary conditions did not allow the consultation of the documents of the Secretaría de Educación Pública fund and the Campaña de Alfabetización section in the General Archive of the Nation, Mexico.

Author Biography

Federico Lazarín Miranda, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, México

Professor-researcher at the UAM Iztapalapa, Mexico City Coordinator of the Manuel Sandoval Vallarta Scientific Historical Archive UAM-I. Founder and member of SOMEHIDE Member of the Association of Historians of Sciences and Humanities (HCH), SNI-1. Recent posts:

¿Leer y escribir para el progreso? El proceso de alfabetización y la economía mexicana (1891-1982), México, UAM-I, 2013.

Luz Elena Galván, Frank Simon y Federico Lazarín (coords.). Poder, fe y pedagogía: Historias de maestras mexicanas y belgas, México, UAM-I 2014.

"México, la unesco y el Proyecto de Educación Fundamental para América Latina, 1945-1951", Signos Históricos, No. 31, ene-jun, 2014.

“La Escuela Industrial Federal de Orizaba, 1926-1932”, en Luz Elena Galván y Gerardo Galindo, Historia de la educación en Veracruz, Veracruz, Universidad Veracruzana, 2014.

“Salvador Mosqueira Roldán y el libro de Física General”, en Luz Elena Galván, Lucía Martínez Mctezuma y Oresta López (coords.), Más allá del texto: autores, redes del saber y formación de lectores, México, Ciesas, uae Morelos, Colsan, 2016.

Lines of investigation Education, economy and society in Mexico, 19th and 20th centuries. Aeronautical and aerospace industrialization and development, 1890-1980. History of science and technology XIX XX centuries.  


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How to Cite

Lazarín Miranda, F. (2020). Enseñar a leer y escribir a los adultos. La Campaña contra el Analfabetismo: proyecto, planes y prácticas, 1921-1924. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 209–218. https://doi.org/10.29351/amhe.v2i1.313