The school punishments in the memory of teachers in training




Autobiography, school discipline, teacher training, school novels, educational practice


This article results a research of “School memory of people in teacher training institutions”, from which a thesis of Educational Psychology about teacher’s identity derived.  In this work, written narratives of students were analyzed, who were both teachers in service and students for a Bachelor of Education, Plan 94, at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad 241. Their grade thesis include “pedagogical novels”, autobiographical writings in which the school histories of each person can be known, from their training processes to their teaching practice. It is important to note that the theses have been forgotten and they are documents that are not widely consulted, so rescuing these writings helps to make the teaching stories visible. Based on a systematization and analysis of written narratives, this work aims to know the experiences about the school discipline that they lived in the classroom as students; what meant that their teachers shouted, scolded, put labels and/or nicknames on them, classified them, segregated them, and were hit with all kinds of objects, to the point of hurting them emotionally and physically. All kinds of violence are found in these narratives, which makes us reflect about the long duration of school discipline, up until the late 20th century, despite the fact that during different moments of history they were forewarned to be erradicated. Therefore, in this work we approach reflection to “the power devices” (Foucault, 2002) used in the practice of school discipline, and the way in which they have remained in the memory of teachers, likewise, to observe psychological and self-reflective processes of teachers when writing these stories.

Author Biographies

Cecilia Esperanza Hernández Rodríguez, Procuraduría Municipal de Protección a Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes del Sistema Municipal de Desarrollo Integral de la Familia de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, SLP, México

Es licenciada en Psicología Educativa por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad 241. Ha participado en el Verano de la Ciencia y colaboró como becaria de investigación. Ha participado como ponente en el ciclo de conferencias “Diálogos educativos: aportes y respuestas posibles a las demandas actuales en educación” del Instituto de Ciencias Educativas de la UASLP. Actualmente imparte orientación psicológica en la Procuraduría Municipal de Protección de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes del SMDIF.

Norma Ramos Escobar, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad 241, San Luis Potosí, México

Es doctora en Humanidades con acentuación en Historia por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Entre sus líneas de investigación se encuentran: Historia de la Educación y Género siglos XIX y XX, Historia de la niñez en la educación pública, Cultura escolar y Trayectorias docentes. Ha participado en diferentes congresos nacionales e internacionales. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel 1 y perfil Prodep. Cuenta con más de 25 publicaciones entre libros, capítulos de libro, artículos en revistas y reseñas. Actualmente es profesora-investigadora de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional 241 en San Luis Potosí.


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How to Cite

Hernández Rodríguez, C. E., & Ramos Escobar, N. (2020). The school punishments in the memory of teachers in training. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 163–172.