Visibilization of girls and women in discourses and educational reports from the second half of the nineteenth century in Zacatecas




History of education, women, gender studies, inclusive language


This article analyzes the presence of linguistic strategies that are currently associated with non-sexist language, also known as gender-neutral or inclusive language, that were located in discourses and educational reports published on the Official Newspaper of the State of Zacatecas, during the period of 1868 to 1889. The aim of this study consisted on explaining to which changes of a social a nature this linguistic adaptation responded, given that, in this period, we cannot attribute them to linguistic politics based on feminist ideas, as we understand them in the present. The methodological strategy consisted in combining a historiographic approach and linguistic analysis to answer the research question. At the morphological and lexical level, the use of pairs of feminine and masculine (splitting) was identified, as well as the use of the real generic instead of the generic masculine. Cases where collective male gender nouns were used with the addition of the phrase “of both genders” were also found. They all make explicit the presence of men and women in the groups the authors were talking about. It is concluded that the use of this linguistic resources was intentional, which lead us to think that they were used as a linguistic strategy to make the presence of girls and women visible in the educational context of the second half of the nineteenth century in Zacatecas, since the configuration of the latter was changing, as more spaces were opening up for the female population to become educated. All this speaks of important transformations that took place in the local context, specifically with regard to the access and integration of girls and women to public educational institutions.

Author Biographies

Laura Rangel Bernal, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México

Es Maestra en Educación por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Doctora en Estudios Socioculturales por la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes y candidata al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Sus líneas de investigación son historia de la educación en México y educación sexual, siglos XIX-XXI.

Norma Gutiérrez Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México

Es Licenciada en Historia y Maestra en Ciencias Sociales por la UAZ, Especialista en Estudios de Género por El Colegio de México y Doctora en Historia por la UNAM. Integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Sus líneas de investigación son historia de las mujeres y de género e historia de la educación en México, siglos XIX-XXI.


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How to Cite

Rangel Bernal, L., & Gutiérrez Hernández, N. . (2022). Visibilization of girls and women in discourses and educational reports from the second half of the nineteenth century in Zacatecas. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 3(1), 63–73.