Confidential report: The expulsion of a teacher from a Chilean high school. Reflections on the grammar of schooling, teacher identities, and sources in the history of education




Space of experience and horizon of expectations, grammar of schooling, history of education, teacher identity


This paper examines a confidential file sent to the Minister of Education of Chile in late 1980, related to the expulsion of a Physics teacher from a public high school in Santiago. This file, sent by the Head of the Central Relations Office of the Ministry of Education, includes various statements from the educational community about the teacher’s conduct that purportedly justified the expulsion. Among these statements are those from the principal, teachers, students, and parents of the school. In this context, this paper reflects on the value of this historical source for analyzing how the grammar of schooling imposes specific models on the teaching role, influencing the perception, interpretation, and orientation of teachers’ identities and roles. To this end, the main analytical categories used are clarified: grammar of schooling, space of experience, and horizon of expectations. Subsequently, the characteristics of the grammar of schooling in the Chilean context of the 1970s and 1980s are described. The case in question is then examined, and an interpretation of some of the statements contained in the file is proposed based on the suggested analytical categories. Finally, the paper suggests that using such sources, which refer to moments of crisis in an educational community, can enrich research in the history of education by exploring how school contexts influence the construction of teacher identities.

Author Biography

Luis Enrique Garcés Aspee, Universidad de O’Higgins, Rancagua, Chile

Es Profesor Adjunto de la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad de O’Higgins y estudiante de Doctorado en Historia y Arqueología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Magíster en Historia, Universidad de Santiago.


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How to Cite

Garcés Aspee, L. E. (2024). Confidential report: The expulsion of a teacher from a Chilean high school. Reflections on the grammar of schooling, teacher identities, and sources in the history of education. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 4(1), 193–202.