Historical consciousness in higher education students. The case of the Escuela Normal de Texcoco





Pedagogical alternatives, higher education, teacher training, construction of knowledge, cognitive skills


History, from the historiographical perspective, is the narrative writing of facts or events that are transcendental for human beings and society. Here a new perspective is provided on why to teach history, what is intended when teaching history and the importance of historical awareness in students who study the Bachelor’s degree in Teaching and Learning of History, specifically the case of the Escuela Normal de Texcoco, in the State of Mexico. It is for this reason that the awareness of history in the curricula of the 2022 reform of Normal education demands the construction of knowledge and experiences that support the transmission of skills and knowledge to perform the functions demanded by today’s world; therefore, it is conceived that through historical awareness rote teaching should be overcome, giving students the possibility of transcending in a reflection that allows them to explain the problems of the past and the present, through assuming that history is not a process that is distant from their lives, but they are part of history, and they live it daily and can transform it. The development of research and information use capacities with a historical character is suggested for the development of analytical and critical thinking. From this perspective, it is proposed that teacher trainers have a perspective and adequate didactic strategy for the pertinent development of the sociocognitive resource of historical awareness, which will have an impact on the training of students of the Bachelor’s degree in Teaching and Learning of History of the Normal School of Texcoco in the development of the current curricula in Mexico.

Author Biography

Ángel Natividad Murillo Matamoros, Escuela Normal de Texcoco, Estado de México

Es estudiante de la Licenciatura en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la Historia.


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How to Cite

Murillo Matamoros, Ángel N. (2025). Historical consciousness in higher education students. The case of the Escuela Normal de Texcoco. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 4(2), 113–123. https://doi.org/10.29351/amhe.v4i2.664