Marist heritage in Rio de Janeiro: The materialization of an education for memory by an educational religious congregation




Heritage, Marist College São José, memory, history of education


This article presents how the Marist school buildings act in the education developed by the religious from the memories produced inside. We assume that the materiality of these buildings, together with the educational practice of the Marists, contributed to the longevity of the congregation of the Marist Brothers in the city of Rio de Janeiro. To defend this idea, we seek from written and oral sources to understand what led these religious to remain for more than 120 years exercising the same social educational function in the territory of Rio de Janeiro, from 1902 to the present day, students from middle and upper classes have been attending. In our analysis we have the concepts of memory and heritage, as well as the help of Walter Benjamin and Carlos Ginzburg, to retrace the traces left by written and oral sources in order to exploit the continuum of history, with the aim to perceive the effects of the age of congregations in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The results so far indicate that the sum of the places where schools were set up with the memory of the pupils and the transmission of the school as a legacy through generations are some of the factors that explain the mark that the Marists produced in the city. From our point of view, these Marist buildings, which have become a heritage for time and memory, are inserted in the history of Brazilian education because religious congregations participated effectively in the construction of what we understand by school education in Brazil since the 16th century with the Jesuits.

Author Biography

Pedro Henrique Nascimento de Oliveira, Universidad del Estado del Río de Janeiro, Brasil

Es Profesor de Historia, estudiante de Doctorado en Educación (UERJ), Maestro en Educación (UFRJ) y especialista en Enseñanza de Historia (CESPEB/UFRJ). Miembro del Grupo de Estudios Historia de la Educación y Religión (GEHER-Río). Miembro del Observatorio de la Laicidad en la Educación. Tiene experiencia docente en las áreas de historia y educación, con énfasis en la enseñanza de la historia. Tiene interés particular en historia, educación, enseñanza de historia, patrimonio, laicidad y religión.


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How to Cite

Nascimento de Oliveira, P. H. (2024). Marist heritage in Rio de Janeiro: The materialization of an education for memory by an educational religious congregation. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 4(1), 355–364.