Teachers to be reckoned with





Normal school education, socialist education, teacher training, career path


As teachers, teaching takes on another meaning, one that goes beyond the classroom and the teaching-learning process. As guerrillas (female guerrilla fighters), to take up arms is not only to confront the State, but also particular coercive social and cultural structures. Thus, teacher and guerrilla are not two moments in life, but two dimensions that come together in the accounts of two teachers interviewed: Alma Gómez Caballero and Herminia Gómez Carrasco. The purpose of this text is to understand the circumstances, wills and decisions of young normalists who participated in the Revolutionary Action Movement (Movimiento de Acción Revolucionaria, MAR) in the 1970s in Mexico. To do so, priority will be given to their training and teaching practice, as a parallel process to the development of their militancy; in addition, we also recover the beliefs, values, prejudices and political stances that permeated their identity as teachers and guerrillas. The teachers interviewed graduated from the Escuela Normal Rural “Ricardo Flores Magón”, Saucillo, Chihuahua, and from the former Escuela Normal Particular “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”, Mexico City. In order to recognize their experiences, in-depth interviews were conducted with the methodology of life stories, giving priority to their experiences of training and teaching practice that shaped their “being teachers”.

Author Biography

Angélica Noemí Juárez Pérez, Subsecretaría de Educación Básica

Subsecretaría de Educación Básica, Ciudad de México. Es Doctora en Educación y Diversidad y Maestra en Desarrollo Educativo por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad Ajusco. Profesora de Historia por la Escuela Normal Superior de México. Este texto forma parte de la tesis doctoral “Ser mujer, maestra y guerrillera en la década de los setenta en México”.


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Gómez, A. (1997). Una experiencia colectiva [Apéndice]. En Proyectos colectivos escolares: una propuesta para gestión escolar [Tesis de grado]. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

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How to Cite

Juárez Pérez, A. N. (2025). Teachers to be reckoned with. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 4(2), 261–270. https://doi.org/10.29351/amhe.v4i2.686