How classical yoga came to dancers and dance schools


  • Roxana Guadalupe Ramos Villalobos Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de la Danza José Limón del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, México



Dance, artistic education, history of education


This article is part of the research titled “The light of yoga on dance professionals”, that seeks to investigate the links between these two disciplines, concern that arose because currently dancers, teachers, choreographers include yoga as part of their training or as a mandatory or complementary subject in the curriculum for the training of dancers. The main purpose of the advances that I show is to make known the historical, artistic and cultural conditions that allowed yoga to arrive to Mexico and gradually establish itself in dance schools. This work is approached from a historical perspective and to prepare it I resorted to two types of sources: documentaries –classic yoga books, texts by authors who are experts in postural yoga and in Asian studies– and testimonials –twelve interviews, for this article I took up comments from five of them–. I present my findings at this point in three sections: a) Background of yoga in Mexico; b) 20th century. Migrations and transformations of “classical yoga”; c) Yoga for dancers.

Author Biography

Roxana Guadalupe Ramos Villalobos, Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de la Danza José Limón del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, México

Es Licenciada en Educación Artística en Danza y Maestra en Educación e Investigación Artística por el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (INBAL). Doctora en Pedagogía por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de la Danza José Limón del INBAL, donde también es tutora y asesora de la Maestría en Investigación de la Danza.


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How to Cite

Ramos Villalobos, R. G. (2025). How classical yoga came to dancers and dance schools. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 4(2), 59–71.