Youths’ Volunteering and the Debates about Civic Education. West Germany and Great Britain in the 1950s and 60s


  • Christine Krüger Universidad de Gießen, Alemania



civil society, voluntary action, youth, gender roles, Germany, Great Britain


In Mexico like in many other countries of the world many statutory or nongovernmental initiatives have been launched to strengthen civil society in recent years. Many of them have payed particular attention to the involvement of the youth. (e.g. Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía, 2014). Politicians, journalists and social scientists celebrated voluntary work as a means to strengthen social cohesion and to foster democracy (Aguilar Valenzuela, 2006). This appreciation is part of a global trend which is reflected, for example, in the interest in voluntary action displayed by the United Nations (United Nations General Assembly, 2001). Undoubtedly, democracy depends on active citizens’ participation. However, the recent discourse, normally conceives voluntary action and civil society as historical institutions and ignores their changeability. Focusing on Germany and Britain, two countries, that were forerunners in the promotion of youths’ volunteering, this article argues that it is important not to understand civil society and voluntary work in normative terms but to consider them in their historicity.

Author Biography

Christine Krüger, Universidad de Gießen, Alemania

Es profesora en la Universidad de Gießen (Alemania). Es egresada del doctorado en historia en la Universidad de Tübingen en 2005. Ha sido investigadora visitan- te a la Universidad de Oxford y en SciencesPo Paris. Sus líneas de investigación versan en torno a temas de historia judía, historia del voluntariado e historia urbana. Es autora de Sind wir denn nicht Brüder?“ Deutsche Juden im nationalen Krieg, 1870/71 (Schöningh, Paderborn, 2006) y de Dienstethos, Abenteuerlust, Bürgerpflicht. Jugendfreiwilligendienste in Deutschland und Großbritannien im 20. Jahrhundert (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2016).



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How to Cite

Krüger, C. (2019). Youths’ Volunteering and the Debates about Civic Education. West Germany and Great Britain in the 1950s and 60s . Revista Mexicana De Historia De La Educación, 7(13), 71–88.