New contributions to the history of Mexican education. Multiple historiographic approaches to public education in the transition to independent Mexico
history of education, historiography, public education, Mexico, schoolsAbstract
This text prepared a critical review of the book "Public education in the transition to independent Mexico" coordinated by Rafael Castañeda García. The work is a significant contribution to understanding education in the transition to Mexican independence where the first letters schools and colleges are presented as the cornerstone of new political forms that were configured between the persistence of the Old Regime and the novelty of the liberal century . The book brings together distinguished academics who make, and have made, the history of education a field of study with future prospects.
Referencias hemerográficas
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Perrupato, Sebastián (2018), “Ilustración y circulación de ideas pedagógicas en la Monarquía Hispánica” en Revista Humanidades, vol. 8, núm. 2, 2018, pp. 1-33.
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Referencias bibliográficas
Castañeda García, Rafael (2020), La educación pública en la transición al México independiente, Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación/ UNAM, México.
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Referencias electrónicas
Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Concepción (2010), “Legislación y prácticas educativas en el siglo XVIII” en Cabas, núm. 4. Documento PDF. disponible en: (fecha de consulta: 14/04/2018).
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