Forms of sociability at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) (ca. 1936-1968)




Athenaeums, clubs, history of dance education, dance practice, choirs


This article is part of the investigation “Dancing practices at the National Polytechnic Institute (ca. 1936-1988)”, and it has the objective of studying the historical, political and social conditions that allowed an institution dedicated to technical education, such as the IPN, to support the transmission, practice, and promotion of dance. When delving into the study of dance practices in the IPN, I found that since its origin (1936), the institution has had an area in charge of the dissemination of culture, and when reviewing the course that this area has followed I was able to identify that the practice, transmission and dissemination of dance has taken place through various forms of social events, in clubs, choirs, and athenaeums. From the above, several questions arose: What were and how did the clubs, choirs, and athenaeums affect in the IPN? What foreign references did they take into account as models of the IPN’s cultural social events? What support did these associations receive? And what importance was given to dancing? For this study I approach intellectual history with the approach mentioned by Peter Burke as a third paradigm, closer to cultural history; to explore the specific dynamics in which teachers and students participated in a public institution such as the IPN in the period (1936-1968) I resorted to two notions of Maurice Agulhon: sociability and places of sociability, and to two types of sources: documentaries and testimonials. To explain the role that dance played in the forms of socializing of the IPN I divide this article into: a) Clubs, choirs, and athenaeums in the IPN, and b) References that were taken into account as models of the cultural social events of the IPN.

Author Biography

Roxana Guadalupe Ramos Villalobos, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, Ciudad de México

Es licenciada en Educación Artística en Danza y maestra en Educación e Investigación Artística por el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (INBAL). Doctora en Pedagogía por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de la Danza José Limón del INBAL, en donde también es tutora y asesora de la maestría en Investigación de la Danza.


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How to Cite

Ramos Villalobos, R. G. (2020). Forms of sociability at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) (ca. 1936-1968). Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 2(1), 173–190.