Being a female teacher: biographical stories about the meanings of the teaching profession




Female teachers, basic education, feminized careers, gender


History shows that women have fought serious battles to achieve the recognition of their right to education and, consecutively, to acquire a profession. On the other hand, sociology and the history of professions show how certain labor fields have been feminized; one of them is the teaching profession, in which women teachers have had a prominent presence. In this context, the objective of this paper is to recover the various meanings of being a teacher, expressed in the testimonies of female teachers in charge of training girls and boys and, therefore, of forging part of the history of education. As teachers, they have stood out as forgers of new generations of women, historically relegated in the professional field. We rescue testimonies of women teachers about their training and incursion into the field of teaching, and, as a result, we infer the meanings of being teachers, during the second half of the twentieth century, in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, within the framework of their life stories. The research project that originates it is based on oral history as a theoretical-methodological support based on life stories. We conclude that the entry of women into formal education—from elementary school to teacher training college, in this case—was never an easy undertaking; nor was accessing a higher position as principals, supervisors or sector heads. Even so, women teachers are assumed as relevant actors to promote the professional development of other women. Their biographical journeys reveal their teaching vocation, their love for the formation of children, their work achievements and their contribution to the teaching culture, although their names and history go practically unnoticed.

Author Biographies

Cirila Cervera Delgado, Departamento de Educación de la Universidad de Guanajuato, México

Es Doctora en Historia por la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Maestra en Investigación Educativa por la Universidad de Guanajuato y Licenciada en Educación Primaria por la Escuela Normal Oficial de León. Es Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores y cuenta con el Perfil Deseable Prodep. Integrante del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado “Educación en la Cultura, la Historia y el Arte”. Sus líneas de investigación son historia de la educación, educación y género y formación y currículo.

Mireya Martí Reyes, Departamento de Educación de la Universidad de Guanajuato, México

Es Doctora en Ciencias sobre Arte por el Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba (ISA). Actualmente es directora y funge como presidenta del Consejo Interinstitucional de Investigación Educativa en el Estado de Guanajuato (CIIEEG). Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, a la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC), a la Asociación de Educadores de América Latina y el Caribe (AELAC) y a la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Educación. Cuenta con el Perfil Prodep y es Líder del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado “Educación en la Cultura, la Historia y el Arte”.


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How to Cite

Cervera Delgado, C., & Martí Reyes, M. (2022). Being a female teacher: biographical stories about the meanings of the teaching profession. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 3(1), 107–116.