The sociocultural approach to emotions in the reconstruction of historical events




Emotions, oral history, sociocultural perspective, research methodology


This article proposes the reconstruction of historical events from the sociocultural approach of emotions, to this end, it is proposed to draw from two proposals, the typology of emotions and oral history for the reconstruction of historical events and the identification of the most relevant emotions that led to the events. In this task, it is suggested to prepare participants with an emotional repertoire so that during the interviews they can express the emotions they experienced, when they felt them, towards whom and what generated them. In the analysis of the information, the reconstruction of the events and the emotions that intervened will converge in parallel, taking the typology of the emotions as a guide to locate what type of emotions it is and how they interacted so that the events developed with the cause that occurred. This perspective represents a new turn for understanding the past.

Author Biography

Mayela Legaspi Lozano, Escuela Normal Rural Justo Sierra Méndez/Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México

Es Maestra en Investigación Educativa por la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes y ha sido docente en educación básica y en diversas instituciones de educación superior, en particular en escuelas Normales. Actualmente es estudiante en el programa de Doctorado en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Entre sus más recientes publicaciones se encuentran “Escuelas formadores de docentes en México: trayectorias divergentes hacia la educación superior” y “Debates por la educación sexual y la formación de docentes normalistas, hoy”.


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How to Cite

Legaspi Lozano, M. (2024). The sociocultural approach to emotions in the reconstruction of historical events. Anuario Mexicano De Historia De La Educación, 4(1), 29–38.