Education and economy in Cuautitlán, Estado de México, 1890-1970. Some research lines
Cuautitlán, basic education, regional education, economy, historyAbstract
The objective of this article is to present a series of historical elements that will allow us to propose lines of investigation around the relationship between economy and education in Cuautitlán, Estado de México, in the period 1890-1970. The article is divided in three parts: first, the geographical and historical-economic location of the municipality of Cuautitlán is described; secondly, a general overview of education in the State of Mexico, 1891-1970 is given, and, thirdly, the relationship between educa- tion and economy in Cuautitlán is described and analyzed. For the analysis of the relationship between education and economy in the municipality of Cuautitlán the methodology developed by Ramón Larrauri (2000, pp. 11-43) was used; with the economics of education, Larrauri made a descriptive study in which he determined the indices of economic and educational development in the Mexican 20th century, he also found patterns and trends among entities of the country, and was able to describe the levels of education distribution and its relationship with socio-economic development.
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