History of education, gender and teachers’ perspectives





historiography, teachers’ professional development, gender studies


This review describes and comments on the content of the book History of education, gender and teachers’ perspectives, which was coordinated by por Norma Gutiérrez Hernández, Beatriz Marisol García Sandoval, María del Refugio Magallanes Delgado e Irma Faviola Castillo Ruiz.  The book contains 17 chapters which were written by a total of 31 authors from different universities. Its publication is the product of a collaborative effort with a multidisciplinary approach. Contributions of various fields appear in its pages, like history, literature, linguistics, the visual arts, health sciences and mathematics, to name a few. The chapters that talk about the history of education constitute a significant contribution to the field of historiography in the region. Additionally, they bring in elements to the analysis of the intersection between history and gender studies, given that they study problems related to the education of women during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.     

Author Biography

Laura Rangel Bernal, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México

Profesora-investigadora de la Unidad Académica de Docencia Superior de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.


Referencias bibliográficas

Larroyo, Francisco (1976), Historia comparada de la educación en México, Porrúa, México. Mistral, Gabriela (2017), Lecturas para mujeres, Ediciones Porrúa, México.

Referencias electrónicas

Gutiérrez, Norma, Beatriz Marisol García, María del Refugio Magallanes e Irma Faviola Castillo (2021), Historia de la educación, género y perspectivas docentes, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas/Astra Ediciones, México. Disponible en: https://medpd.uaz.edu.mx/



How to Cite

Rangel Bernal, L. (2021). History of education, gender and teachers’ perspectives. Revista Mexicana De Historia De La Educación, 9(18), 90–97. https://doi.org/10.29351/rmhe.v9i18.363